Why Choose Us?

Since 2006,

our company required quality and reliability to be our number one priority.  We have surpassed many in the plastic tubing industry with our exceptional service and quality for over a decade.  Developing great partnerships is as important as providing full service for our customers. To ensure of our quality and reliability, we implemented a complex Quality Control Management routine to maintain perfection for every tube.

Why choose Van Nga?

High Quality Printing

Van Nga has printing experience for over a decade and each tube artwork is carefully inspected to ensure customer satisfaction.

Excellent Tube Quality

The utilization of several different types of plastic and treatments is what makes Van Nga's packaging tubes both soft and durable.

Earned Credibility

Due to excellent services and product quality, Van Nga has partnerships with multiple foreign and local manufactures in Vietnam.

Excellent Customer Experience

Van Nga's extensive knowledge of the plastic packaging industry and professionalism is the foundation of great customer experience.

Speedy Service

New and ongoing orders can be made within 15-30 days.

Production Capability

Advance machinery and skillful HR management allows Van Nga to produce over 60 million pieces annually.


Authenticity is essential to exhibit clarity and provides a sense of safety for our partnerships. Competence is required to minimize risk while increasing productivity resulting in excellent business results.

VAN NGA - BRC - 17506553 - V1VAN NGA - BRC - 17506553 - V1
2022 - VAN NGA - ISO 15378 - 7199065 - V22022 - VAN NGA - ISO 15378 - 7199065 - V2

Have any Questions? Reach out to Learn More.

Inform us of your packaging design project and our team will follow up shortly. 
